• CW Rating

Live Examples

PluginJoomla 3These tags are done by CW Tags plugin

Let's find out what can be achieved with CW Ratings & Graphs plugin...

#Example 1: Basic Syntax

{CWRATING}max=200;label=Average;Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)=196;Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)=131;Google Nexus 9=108;Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)=98;Xiaomi Mi Note Pro=94;Google Nexus 6=80;Samsung Galaxy S6=75{/CWRATING}

this syntax will display Rating with
- Circle rating
- Display Overall value as Average value of all values
- radius 40px
- color set to blue gradient
- numbers rounded to 0 decimals
- delay for loading each row is 500ms

Quadrant Benchmark

Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)
Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)
Google Nexus 9
Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)
Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
Google Nexus 6
Samsung Galaxy S6

#Example 2: Circle Rating with % values

{CWRATING}unit=%;overall=off;color=#FF9B00;decimal=1;r=40;max=200;delay=500;Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)=196;Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)=131;Google Nexus 9=108;Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)=98;Xiaomi Mi Note Pro=94;Google Nexus 6=80;Samsung Galaxy S6=75{/CWRATING}

this syntax will display Rating with
- Circle rating
- unit in percent - values will be presented in %
- radius 40px
- color set
- numbers rounded to 1 decimals
- max value of graph is 200
- delay for loading each row is 500ms

Quadrant Benchmark

Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)
Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)
Google Nexus 9
Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)
Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
Google Nexus 6
Samsung Galaxy S6

#Example 3: Circle Rating with Overall

{CWRATING}label=Maximum;overall=200;color=#4ABF0B;decimal=0;r=25;max=200;delay=500;Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)=196;Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)=131;Google Nexus 9=108;Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)=98;Xiaomi Mi Note Pro=94;Google Nexus 6=80;Samsung Galaxy S6=75{/CWRATING}

this syntax will display Rating with
- Circle rating
- Overall value is set to 200
- Label for Overall value is set to "Maximum"
- radius 25px
- color set
- numbers rounded to 0 decimals
- max value of graph is 200
- delay for loading each row is 500ms

Quadrant Benchmark

Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)
Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)
Google Nexus 9
Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)
Xiaomi Mi Note Pro
Google Nexus 6
Samsung Galaxy S6

#Example 4: Bar rating with side labels

{CWRATING}layout=bar;height=10;color=#C442ED;decimal=0;max=200;delay=500;Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)=196;Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)=131;Google Nexus 9=108;Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)=98;Xiaomi Mi Note Pro=94;Google Nexus 6=80;Samsung Galaxy S6=75{/CWRATING}

this syntax will display Rating with
- BAR rating
- height of row 10px
- single colored rows (if color2 is not used to make color gradient)
- numbers rounded to 0 decimals
- max value of graph is 200
- delay for loading each row is 500ms

as labelposition and labelanimation are not set - labels will be on side and animated from side

Quadrant Benchmark

#Example 5: Bar rating with bottom labels

{CWRATING}layout=bar;labelposition=bottom;height=20;overall=off;decimal=0;max=200;delay=0;Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)=196;Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)=131;Google Nexus 9=108;Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)=98;Xiaomi Mi Note Pro=94;Google Nexus 6=80;Samsung Galaxy S6=75{/CWRATING}

this syntax will display Rating with
- BAR rating
- height of row 20px
- no color parameter set = default color gradient
- numbers rounded to 0 decimals
- max value of graph is 200
- delay for loading each row is 0ms
- label position is under the bars

as labelanimation are not set - labels will be animated from side

Quadrant Benchmark

#Example 6: Bar rating with bottom labels and thin bars

{CWRATING}layout=bar;labelposition=bottom;height=20;overall=off;decimal=0;max=200;delay=300;Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)=196;Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)=131;Google Nexus 9=108;Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)=98;Xiaomi Mi Note Pro=94;Google Nexus 6=80;Samsung Galaxy S6=75{/CWRATING}

This is actually same as #Example 2 with changes:
- height to 5px
- color to black
- delay to 300ms

Quadrant Benchmark

#Example 7: Bar rating with side labels with from-top animation

{CWRATING}layout=bar;labelposition=bottom;height=20;overall=off;decimal=0;max=200;delay=0;Apple iPhone 6s (iOS9)=196;Apple iPhone 6 (iOS9)=131;Google Nexus 9=108;Apple iPhone 5s (iOS8)=98;Xiaomi Mi Note Pro=94;Google Nexus 6=80;Samsung Galaxy S6=75{/CWRATING}

this syntax will display Rating with
- BAR rating
- height of row 20px
- color set to "red", not hex value so no transparency for value boxes
- numbers rounded to 0 decimals
- max value of graph is 200
- delay for loading each row is 0ms
- label position is next to the bars
- labelanimation is set to top

Quadrant Benchmark


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JED Rating

Ease of use
This rating graph is done by CW Ratings & Graphs plugin

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